An ice breaking session for the student branch members of IEEE in University of Sri Jayewardenepura was successfully held on the 6TH April 2018 at Help Age Sri Lanka with the participation of Ms. Nuwini Dulanga, Sectional Student Representative of IEEE Sri Lanka Section as an invited speaker. The workshop was organized by the 3rd year members of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura student branch. This meet up was organized solely with intention of building team spirit among the members of the student branch coming from different faculties of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura despite their geographical distances and busy time schedules at the university.
The gathering was welcomed by a third year student member Mr. Senal Perera, who gave a brief introduction about what is IEEE. At the very beginning the members were installed into three different groups and were asked to get to know each other, after which the teams were engaged in an interesting game session which tested how well they knew their team mates.
Then Ms. Nuwini Dulanga, Sectional Student Representative of IEEE Sri Lanka Section shared some interesting facts about IEEE and also some very useful tips to get the maximum benefit out of a student membership in IEEE. She was able to inspire everybody gathered with her experience in IEEE and showed how only by giving are you able to receive more. She encouraged all of the members of the student branch to volunteer as much as they can in order to gather tons of experience that sure will worth for a lifetime.
After another fun game session which strengthened the team spirit of the members, Mr Dulan Dias the Interim Chair of the IEEE student branch of University of Sri Jayewardenepura talked to the gathering about institutional organization of IEEE and a very clear briefing about the constitution that is yet to be approved at the Annual General Meeting for the student branch of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. He also improvised the necessity of increasing the number of student members from the university and how the existing members should work on encouraging their colleagues to join IEEE. After another brain teasing game session, third year student member Ms. Sajini Senaratna did an introduction session on volunteer tools (vTools), which is a wide range of tools developed by volunteers for IEEE members and IEEE volunteers. The toolbox simplifies organizational efforts and administration by offering web-based software in order to reduce time spent on managing activities and to assist in member development.
After another fun game session, the year plan for 2018 was discussed among the members with Mr. Senal Perera presenting the pre-planned schedule. The Team Building Introductory workshop concluded successfully, achieving the day’s goal of building team spirit within the student branch community of University of Sri Jayewardenepura. IEEE USJP Student Branch is greatly thankful for Miss Nuwini for sharing her experiences with the members gathered and also all of the members who took the time out of their busy schedules to make this event a success.
Article By
Nishavi Ranaweera
IEEE Student Member,
University of Sri Jayewardenepura.